Monday, December 22, 2008

CRAP (based on a true story)

Missed the point that day, and that is where it all began. With Iqbal Bano all up into my ear-holes, began the 'back-to-bed' foot-slog. Lunch was fried spaghetti that day and its was bed time again. The lazy me woke up with a heavenly flavor and i walked my feet to the nearby mosque for the Maghrib prayers. Well, lets call this area, 'XYZ', and consider this as an important piece of information for the time. Right after the 3-farz rakaats, i turned around and there was eye contact with this guy for a few seconds, who, i was sure i had seen before, but couldn't make out where. I turned back for the two remaining rakaats and all through i kept on pressing my gray matter, trying to solve the unknown guy's mystic mystery.

A pop-up popped in and i got my answer. The guy was one year senior to me in college and i had been a victim to his ragging in the early days. After i was done, i walked out, the 'No Fear' label appeared in my head and i waited for him for a little conversation if there is to be any. He came out,

Me: DCM?
He: no, DEC!

Omg, got the whole thing wrong, he wasn't the one whom i had thought him to be, he was actually another one from my tuition class, DEC, when i was in college, DCM. Well, not really though, there was a sigh of relief. Followed the usual-in-such-situations conversation, inquiring from each other where the other has been in and around all this time. The guy revealed that, he lives in, lets say, 'ABC' (another important piece of information), he's been afar everything, and doing some internship in a bank in XYZ......... We said our tatas, and off we flew.

Next day, just like any other weekday, i was at the university, Had a brownie from the cafeteria before i got the on the mid-day point. (In case you are in for an advice, then, if its not a Monday, then keep off the cafeteria. Its the lucky Mondays when they do the whole week's kitchenING, rest of the week, the cook's off, oven's on).

The mid-day point left me at 'Nursery', i had to get a bus to my place (P.S. to 'XYZ', the place where i come from.). I was at the bus stop, saw a guy walking towards me from the other side of the road. Oh my, he was the same guy i met the day before, we met again, he made the same less-than-24-hours-old inquiries, and i was like, 'ARE you lost, or WERE you lost?'. And yes, obviously, i gave the same answers, i did not stop, i threw at him the same old questions, (eye for an eye). But, but, but, this time the guy said he's 'doing some BBA program from FAST city campus' (wait a minute, how is it funny?). (P.S. i did not react).

We both were at the bus stop, and fortunately or maybe not, waiting for the same bus. We got onto it, and we were bloody both traveling to XYZ, and both were supposed to be traveling home. All throughout, there was random talk, and then what was really killer was when he asked about the girl, the girl. the GIRL, who every guy in college had a crush on, that was enough, and enough is enough.

Throwing some light on the facts about the 'girl', she wore a white MATTE shadow that highlighted her brow bone, her inner corner and tear duct.On the rest of her lid she had a very light purple, the lightest you would get. Then in her crease she had a dark plum purple, fully blended giving it a very smokey look, making green eyes pop. Her upper lashline perfectly lined, smudged out for more of a gothic look. Curled lashes with thick mascara. A magical portrait she was.

Again, enough. Getting back to the bus, the guy, i thought was trying to act funny or something, and i thought it was okay. But how does he know the 'girl'? Hmmm, hmmm, in the end, who cares, it was another day (read: bus), that had to get to its stop, and yes i was back home, back on my bed, until strangely enough, i laughed it off.

The guy who i had met the day before, and earlier thought him to be the guy from my college, one year senior to me, was actually not him. He was infact a guy from my tuition class. Met him again the following day,(well,i thought i did) taking him as the guy from my tuition class, the same guy, who i had earlier thought to be the guy from my college. If you are still reading this, then, see if this one helps. The guy who i met at the bus stop taking him as the same guy from my tuion class, was actually the one from my college, the guy senior to me.